makeup artist

Halloween Tutorial met Beautynezz

Halloween Makeup Tutorial with Beautynezz

Dutch YouTuber Joy from Beautynezz Last Sunday I had a lot of fun shooting this Halloween makeup tutorial with Youtuber Joy!   Joy makes great videos and she won the Talent of the year YouTube award! She asked me to do a Halloween make up on her and I loved doing that.During the whole month of October […]

Olcay Gulsen bezoekt Def by Sanne

Olcay Gulsen visits Def by Sanne (video)

Olcay Gulsen Def by Sanne, a fashion store in Deventer (NL), celebrated her first birthday last weekend. Sanne asked me to be present as makeup artist in the store. I was lucky enough to meet Olcay Gulsen, owner of the beautiful brand SuperTrash. SuperTrash is also available in the UK. You can find SuperTrash stores in […]